Termination of rewrite relations on λ-terms based on Girard's notion of reducibility. F. Blanqui. TCS 611, 37 pages, 2016.


p. 53, l. 25 (stable subterm). After "FV(t)⊆FV(u)", add: " and no bound variable of u belongs to FV(t)".

p. 56, l. -12. Replace "Sat: Tait' set of saturated sets [Tai75]" by "Sat: Mitchell' set of type sets relative to SN [Mit86] (called saturated in [Gal90])", with [Mit86] J. Mitchell. A type-inference approach to reduction properties and semantics of polymorphic expressions (summary). In the proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Lisp and Fonctional Programming, 1986.

p. 58, l. -15. Replace "Πx∈ABx = P(Σx∈ABx)" by "Πx∈ABx ⊆ P(Σx∈ABx)".

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