Sharing proofs with predicative theories through universe polymorphic elaboration, with Thiago Felicissimo, 38 pages, accepted for publication in LMCS.
- A modular construction of type theories, with Gilles Dowek, Emilie Grienenberger, Gabriel
Hondet and François Thiré, 28 pages, LMCS 19(1), 2023.
- Size-based
termination of higher-order rewriting, JFP 28 e11, 75 pages,
- Termination
of rewrite relations on λ-terms based on Girard's notion of
reducibility, TCS 611, 37 pages,
2016. Erratum.
- The
computability path ordering, with J.-P. Jouannaud and A. Rubio,
LMCS 11(4), 45 pages, 2015.
- Argument filterings
and usable rules in higher-order rewrite systems, with K. Kusakari
and S. Suzuki, IPSJ Transactions on Programming 4(2), 12 pages,
- CoLoR: a
Coq library on well-founded rewrite relations and its application to
the automated verification of termination certificates, with
A. Koprowski, MSCS 21(4), 30 pages, 2011.
- On the
confluence of lambda-calculus with conditional rewriting, with
C. Riba and C. Kirchner, TCS 411(37), 43 pages, 2010.
- Static
dependency pair method based on strong computability for higher-order
rewrite systems, with Y. Isogai, K. Kusakari and M. Sakai, IEICE
Transactions on Information and Systems E92-D(10), 9 pages, 2009.
- Inductive
types in the Calculus of Algebraic Constructions, Fundamenta
Informaticae 65(1-2), 26 pages, 2005.
- Definitions
by rewriting in the Calculus of Constructions, MSCS 15(1), 57
pages, 2005.
- Inductive-data-type
systems, with J.-P. Jouannaud and M. Okada, TCS 272, 30 pages,
2002. Erratum.
- A
document-centered approach for an open CASE environment framework
connected with the WWW, SEN 22(2), 6 pages, 1997.
As editor
Invited publications
- The
computability path ordering: the end of a quest, with
J.-P. Jouannaud and A. Rubio, CSL'08, 17 pages. LNCS 5213.
- Computability
closure: ten years later, essay in honour of Jean-Pierre
Jouannaud's 60 birthday, LNCS 4600, 21 pages, 2007.
- Higher-order
termination: from Kruskal to computability, with J.-P. Jouannaud
and A. Rubio, LPAR'06, LNCS 4246, 14 pages.
- Translating
HOL-Light proofs to Coq, 18
pages. LPAR'24.
- Translating
proofs from an impredicative type system to a predicative one,
with Thiago Felicissimo and Ashish Kumar Barnawal, 19
pages. CSL'23. LIPIcs 252.
- Encoding
type universes without using matching modulo AC, 14 pages,
- Some
axioms for mathematics, with Gilles Dowek, Emilie Grienenberger,
Gabriel Hondet and François Thiré, 19 pages, FSCD'21, LIPIcs 195.
- Encoding
of Predicate Subtyping with Proof Irrelevance in the λΠ-calculus
Modulo Theory, with Gabriel Hondet, 18 pages, TYPES'20, LIPIcs
- The new
rewriting engine of Dedukti, with Gabriel Hondet, 16 pages, FSCD
2020, LIPIcs 167.
- Type
safety of rewrite rules in dependent types, 14 pages, FSCD 2020,
LIPIcs 167.
- Ekstrakto: a
tool to reconstruct Dedukti proofs from TSTP files, with Mohamed
Yacine El Haddad and Guillaume Burel, 9 pages, PxTP'19, EPTCS
- Dependency
Pairs Termination in Dependent Type Theory Modulo Rewriting, with
Guillaume Genestier and Olivier Hermant, 21 pages, FSCD'19, LIPIcs
- Termination
of λΠ modulo rewriting using the size-change principle (work in
progress), with Guillaume Genestier, 5 pages, 2018, WST'18.
- First
steps towards the certification of an ARM simulator, with
J.-F. Monin, X. Shi and F. Tuong, CPP'11, LNCS 7086, 16 pages.
- Designing
a CPU model: from a pseudo-formal document to fast code, with
C. Helmstetter, V. Joloboff, J.-F. Monin and X. Shi. RAPIDO'11, 6
pages. Best paper award.
- On the
relation between sized-types based termination and semantic
labelling, with C. Roux, CSL'09, LNCS 5771, 15 pages.
- From
formal proofs to mathematical proofs: a safe, incremental way for
building in first-order decision procedures, with J.-P. Jouannaud
and P.-Y. Strub, TCS'08, IFIP 273, 17 pages.
with computability closure : a reconstruction, with
J.-P. Jouannaud and A. Rubio, LPAR'07, LNCS 4790, 16 pages.
- Building
decision procedures in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions,
with J.-P. Jouannaud and P.-Y. Strub, CSL'07, LNCS 4646, 15
- On the
implementation of construction functions for non-free concrete data
types, with T. Hardin and P. Weis, ESOP'07, LNCS 4421, 15
- Combining typing
and size constraints for checking the termination of higher-order
conditional rewrite systems, with C. Riba, LPAR'06, LNCS 4246, 15
- Higher-order
dependency pairs, WST'06, 5
pages. Erratum.
- CoLoR,
a Coq Library on Rewriting and termination, with S. Coupet-Grimal,
W. Delobel, S. Hinderer and A. Koprowski, WST'06, 5 pages.
- On the
confluence of lambda-calculus with conditional rewriting, with
C. Riba and C. Kirchner, FOSSACS'06, LNCS 3921, 15 pages.
- Decidability of
type-checking in the Calculus of Algebraic Constructions with Size
Annotations, CSL'05, LNCS 3634, 17 pages.
- A
type-based termination criterion for dependently-typed higher-order
rewrite systems, RTA'04, LNCS 3091, 15 pages.
- Rewriting
modulo in Deduction modulo, RTA'03, LNCS 2706, 15 pages.
- Inductive
types in the Calculus of Algebraic Constructions, TLCA'03, LNCS
2701, 14 pages.
- Definitions
by rewriting in the Calculus of Constructions, LICS'01, 10
pages. Kleene
Award for best student paper.
- Termination and
confluence of higher-order rewrite systems, RTA'00, LNCS 1833, 15
pages. [annexes]
- The
Calculus of Algebraic Constructions, with J.-P. Jouannaud and
M. Okada, RTA'99, LNCS 1631, 15 pages.
- Terminaison
des systèmes de réécriture d'ordre supérieur basée sur la notion de
clôture de calculabilité, Habilitation thesis, Université Denis
Diderot (Paris 7), 55 pages, 2012.
- Type
theory and rewriting, Ph.D. thesis, 139 pages,
2001. Version en
français. SPECIF
2001 PhD Award. Erratum.
- The
Calculus of Algebraic and Inductive Constructions, Master thesis,
35 pages, 1998.
Lecture notes
- Langages
formels et automates, 35 pages, 2017-2021.
- Exercices
corrigés sur les langages formels et automates, 46 pages,
- Rewriting
theory, 43 pages, 2016-2021.
- Corrected
exercices and homeworks on rewriting theory, 55 pages,
- Notes
de révision sur le λ-calcul (leçon 929) pour l'option
informatique de l'agrégation de mathématiques, 13 pages.
- Notes
de révision sur les théories en logique du 1er order (leçon 924)
pour l'option informatique de l'agrégation de mathématiques, 14 pages.
- Notes
on the theory of cardinals, 8 pages, 2015.
- Elements
of mathematics and logic for computer program analysis, 37 pages,
- Introduction
to the OCaml programming language, 10 pages, 2013.
- Introduction
to the Coq proof assistant, 6 pages, 2013.
- Introduction
to domain theory and topology, 6 pages, 2012.
Formal proofs
(Links below give the definitions and statements only. Download CoLoR to see the the proofs.)
- Infinite Ramsey theorem, 2015.
- Equivalence of various definitions of α-equivalence, 2013.
- Termination of higher-order rewrite systems based on the notion of computability closure, 2013.
- Tarski's fixpoint theorem, 2013.
- Girard's reducibility candidates, 2012.
- Pure λ-calculus with named variables and explicit α-equivalence, 2012.
- Transitive closure of a finite graph, 2011.
- Semantic labeling, 2009.
- Dependency graph decomposition, 2008.
- First-order term unification, 2008.
- Dependency pairs, 2004.
- Termination of first-order rewrite systems using polynomial interpretations, with S. Hinderer, 2004.
Other publications
- Note
on the operational semantics of Dedukti 2.5, with Guillaume
Genestier, 4 pages, 2018.
- A
point on fixpoints in posets, 10 pages, 2014.
- Automated
verification of termination certificates, with K. Q. Ly, presented
at the 15th Vietnamese
National Symposium of Selected ICT Problems, 6 pages, 2012.
- SimSoC-Cert:
a certified simulator for systems on chip, with C. Helmstetter,
V. Joloboff, J.-F. Monin and X. Shi, 4 pages, 2010.
- Argument
filterings and usable rules in higher-order rewrite systems, with
K. Kusakari and S. Suzuki, IEICE Technical Report SS2010-24,
Vol. 110, No. 169, 15 pages, 2010.
- Automated
verification of termination certificates, with A. Koprowski, INRIA
Research Report 6949, 24 pages, 2009.
revisited, INRIA Research report 5972, 23 pages, 2006.
- Prototype d'extension du système Coq. Projet Averroes, lot 5.1, fourniture 3, rapport technique, 8 pages, 2004.
- Proposition d'architecture du moteur de test de conversion. Projet Averroes, lot 5.1, fourniture 2, rapport technique, 7 pages, 2004.
- Définition de la classe de réécriture à intégrer. Projet Averroes, lot 5.1, fourniture 1, rapport technique, 7 pages, 2004.
- An
Isabelle formalization of protocol-independent secrecy with an
application to e-commerce, 16 pages, 2002.
Last updated on 4 February 2025.
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